Colossus Piano iCathedral Organ iSymphonic Orchestra

Colossus Piano

This is the user manual of Colossus Piano. For general product information and features please refer to the Colossus Piano Product Website instead.

The Colossus Piano App offers you up to 8 acoustic piano models and 5 E-Piano legends as high quality virtual pianos on your iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

Ergonomic by Design

Even though Colossus Piano allows configuring various aspects, there is usually no configuration whatsoever required though to use and play it immediately. This app was designed as very intuitive iOS app. Simply connect your external MIDI keyboard with your iPad / iPhone / iPod touch and enjoy state of the art piano sounds.

Structure of this Manual

  1. Getting Started
    1. Getting Started
    2. Launching the App
    3. Download a Piano Model
    4. Select a Piano Model
    5. Sound Variations
    6. Musical Style
    7. Acoustic Options
    8. Submodel Selection
    9. Sound Controls
    10. On-Screen Keyboard
    11. Change Volume
    12. Reverb Effect
    13. Roundup
    14. To the Limits
    15. Help
  2. Advanced Usage
    1. Advanced Usage
    2. Virtual Keyboard
    3. Touch Velocity
    4. Transpose
    5. External MIDI Devices
    6. Select MIDI Devices
    7. Input MIDI Channel
    8. Velocity Response Curve
    9. Pitchbend Range
    10. Tuning
    11. Mastertune
    12. Static Scale Tuning
    13. Dynamic Scale Tuning
    14. Tuning Presets
    15. Polyphony
    16. Latency
    17. Run App in Background
    18. App States
    19. Labels
    20. Restore
    21. Remote Control
    22. Built-in MIDI Recorder
  3. Piano Models
    1. Piano Models
    2. Managing Piano Models
    3. Buying a Piano Model
    4. Uninstall Piano Models
    5. Restoring Piano Models
    6. Download Progress
    7. Progress Bar
    8. Pausing Download
    9. Automatic Resume
  4. 3rd Party Apps
    1. Usage with 3rd Party Apps
    2. Audio Unit plugin
    3. Inter-App Audio
    4. Audiobus
  5. Audio Unit Plugin
    1. Audio Unit Plugin
    2. GarageBand
    3. Loading Audio Units
    4. Additional Audio Unit Tracks
    5. Export as audio file
    6. Cubasis
    7. Loading Audio Units
    8. Additional Audio Unit Tracks
    9. Export as audio file
  6. Inter-App Audio
    1. Inter-App Audio
    2. IAA with Garage Band
  7. Audiobus
    1. Audiobus
    2. Launching Colossus Piano with Audiobus
    3. State Saving
    4. What Next?

Document Updated:  2018-04-27